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From D.C.M.

“Over the past few years, God has used Pastor Collins and Minister Gail to have a major impact on our lives. It was through hours of talking, counseling, and praying that God used thesis to people to become not only instruments for our breakthrough, but our personal mentors and friends. I discovered who my God given mate was while in ministry with Pastor and Minister Collins; I discovered my career opportunity that is reaping rewards to this day. We have seen God honor His word repeatedly and continue to be blown away at the lessons we have learned at The House of Worship and from Pastor and Minister Collins.“

From C.D.

“I just want you to know that under your teaching about leadership has helped me move into a new position at work, also I was able to use a lot of the principles in my life in so many ways from leading my children to making decisions that will impact my grandson’s health. I’m just so grateful for the opportunity to be a student in your class. God sure does know how to positions you where he needs you, when he needs you there. Oh, yes and I also know the teaching on leadership helped me prepare and present my first presentation to a full class of student at a conference for work. (nailed it!!)“

From T.A.

“I started reading your book “100 Days of Inspiration” today and I am blessed. Although I was saddened by the pain you and your family experienced in the introduction, I am glad that we serve a God that gives us “beauty for ashes”. Blessings to you.

From T.H.

Pastor Collins, thank you for you thoughts and prayers. You are the best pastor on earth! I wish everyone knew what they are missing out on at The House of Worship!

From C.H.

Once in a while, someone or something can enter your life and you know that you are in the right place. You know that though the years will come and go, that this new friendship you have with God will go on forever. I have cried many tears in my life and now I feel a great happiness and I feel very fortunate to have found peace. Thank you for the help you have given to me in my journey to God and His joyful feelings He has given me. I want you to know I feel and know God has given you the special way you have with your preaching and teaching of His almighty word and His almighty “being” to your congregation. I am writing this to you so you will know you have reached one more sheep in your flock. Thank you for helping to bring me to everlasting faith and peace “through God” in my heart

From A.N.M.

“I want both you and Minister Gail to know that I have completed the Steps to Freedom in Christ after reading several books it recommended and then PAINSTAKINGLY going through those steps. It took alot of concentration and meditation on my part, but I can now say I am free from many strongholds that were unknowingly hidden deep within me! It all comes down to knowing my identity in Christ so that I can live out the plans He has ahead for me. Thank you for recommending I go through those steps. It’s a life-work in progress, and I choose to move forward! Thank you Pastor (and Min. Gail), for doing what God has called you to do! I love you both.”

From A.C..

Pastor Collins, I am reading your book “100 Days of Inspiration” for the third time and each time I read it I seem to get something different. You are such a blessing to the Kingdom!

From Bob D.

Pastor Tony gave his book, “100 Days of Inspiration” to me. It took me longer than 100 days to read it, but wanted you to know it spoke to me with what I needed each day I did go to it. It seems as if it was sent through Pastor Tony from God himself to build me up and shape me into the person I have desired to be for him. I met Pastor Tony on a business trip on a plane, and before we departed company he asked me for my address because he heard God speak to him and tell him to send me his book. Thank you Tony. Thank you Jesus.

From A.H.

I am so excited that God led me to The House of Worship! I walk thru the doors and worship God at a whole new level. Our God is an Awesome GOD and it is time that we treat Him as the true King that He is! Thanking God for what He is doing in all of the lives that enter the doors of The House of Worship.

From M. & C.J.

We love the House of Worship because it has been a place of healing, renewal, and family. We have witnessed the Magnificent hand of GOD at work while hearing an unadulterated word.

From G.A.

I love The House of Worship because here I’ve learned true forgiveness. I have learned and observed the meaning of what it is to be a powerhouse in the Kingdom. The big thing is that this house is a house that embraces all, even if your past is crazy. I never felt free or strong enough to share my testimony in previous churches, and here I can say what God leads me to say and not be condemned! I love my church…REALLY!

From E.W.

I love attending The House of Worship because it is a ministry which truly embraces the idea of diversity. It is a place where young, old, rich, poor, black, white, and everyone in between can come and participate in the worship, as well as the word of God. I love the genuine sense of family that is exhibited in all who attend.

From L.T.S.

I love being at The House of Worship because God’s presence is always here. He is here on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No matter what time of day or evening, or what is going on – the presence of God is always ever present at The House of Worship. This is His house. Amen.

From A.H.

I am so excited that God led me to The House Of Worship!This Sunday will be my fourth Sunday and I am so excited to walk through the doors and worship God at a whole new level . Our God is an Awesome GOD and it is time that we treat Him as the true King that He is! Praying that God will meet us where we are as we practice being in His presence!Thanking God for what He is doing in all of the lives that enter the doors of The House Of Worship! Blessings to you Pastor Collins and your family!

From T.D.

Thank you for adding to my 2018 year, your teaching has truly been a blessing to me.

From P.R.

The sermon is so spirit-filled we all walk out floating on a spiritual cloud.

From J.M.

I’m so happy to be part of a church that is going after GOD with all their hearts and not letting up.

From J.B.

I have never attended a multicultural church before. Now I truly know what it means to love everyone in the Lord.